Thursday, September 25, 2014

Stealing Ideas?

Hello, my friends! Well, I'm back writing the entry because today is Thursday, right? Today lesson is all about plagiarism. So, for the first chapter of our lesson today is “Avoiding Plagiarism”. Have you ever heard of Stealing Ideas? How many of you had done plagiarize in your life as a student? Okay, raise up your hand! Hehe. I'm not going to blame all of you, because I'm also one of it. Haaa, so let's us together try to avoid plagiarism, okay? What is  plagiarism is all about?
In my understanding, plagiarism is kind of action that steal other people’s ideas without their consent. I think many of us really familiar with this plagiarism. Why plagiarism become trending among students especially in tertiary level? This is because since in primary school we are already adapting with plagiarize style.
The consequences that may happen when plagiarism cannot be controlled among students in higher education level, all the graduates are not in good quality and maybe had difficulty in finding their jobs. Furthermore, by doing this plagiarism, the reputation of an institution will decline.   Thus, there must be an action regarding on this issue such as gives warning or expulsion from the universities. Okay, that's all!

Good night  :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Intro.

Hello, my friends! So, this is my first time to write post in this blog. Actually, I don't have any ideas on this blogging, but I will try my best to keep my post as simple as I can. Blogging is not my hobby, but I have my own favorite bloggers and keep following updates from their blog entries. I am one of a silent reader and I found that there are good slots or motivations from blogger's writing. Some of the bloggers, only shared their personal or work routines that they are doing for everyday but some of them sharing their experiences or opinions that maybe useful for other peoples as guidance. However, it is depends on that person to share anything that they want to.
Okay, for the first post I am going to make short introduction about myself. My name is Nurul Lina Shayeeda and was born at Selangor on 19 November 1992. I live in Negeri Sembilan. I have 5 siblings and I am the second daughter of my family. I am now studying in Chemistry Education at UiTM Seksyen 17, Shah Alam and a second year student, which is in Semester 3. As I am the sister in my family, I want to achieve a great success for my family. 
For this semester, I took this subject, ELC550  which is requires each student create their own blog for a reflective  thoughts on the lesson taught in class. I do agree that I lack of practice and motivation to improve my English skill. This is because, I am not dare to try and speak English in the class.  I hope that, this is the way for me to improve my weakness in English. Thank you to Dr. Krish for giving this opportunity to us and last but not least, thank you to my friend for your reading.