Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What is Synthesising?

Hello again! This entry is about synthesising lesson. Today lesson how to synthesis the information that we obtained from the references sources, and basically to prepare short research paper of about 1200-1500 words. But, in the final exam, it gives two articles and from that students need to write a synthesis of about 400-500 words on the regarding topics. 

First of all, the definition of synthesising is the combination of information from several texts or sources into a single piece of writing. Krishnakumari, Nor Azni Abdullah, and Ahmad Mazli Muhammad (2010), the synthesis is important to student because they need to write thesis or research paper that includes of facts, details, statistics, ideas, points of view or arguments. In addition, we will need to use paraphrasing skills and summary writing skills to write the information by own words.

There are several steps in preparing  a short research paper. The steps are followed in the text book (Krishnakumari, et al.,2010)
  1. Explore topic through concept mapping.
  2. Develop thesis statement or main idea statement as the basis for paper.
  3. Prepare a draft outline.
  4. Review and mark up your reference material.
  5. Prepare an integrated outline to synthesis information from reference material.
  6. Write the draft paper.
  7. Incorporate evidence from reference material into paper.
  8. Prepare a list of references.
  9. Revise and edit paper.
  10. Use a checklist to help finalize the paper for submission.
That's all for synthesising lesson. Thank you for your reading. :)

Summarizing Lesson

 Hello everyone! This entry is all about how to write a good summarizing. Basically, we already learned to summarized article in primary and secondary level. But, for tertiary level we must include proper citation.

So this entry supposed to be published on the last week lecture, but I decided to post this entry with new lesson in the class for today. we learned about how to make a good summary. There was several purpose of summary such as to describe the main point and the important details of the particular essay or journals. The definition of summary is short account of the central ideas or condensation or a shortened version of text.

From my understanding, writing a summary is generally fairly short and makes it more understand to the readers. In addition, a good summary is including all of the important aspects which allow the readers understand what it is about of the particular essay. Besides that, in summarizing of an essay, we should not give the opinions, background knowledge, or any personal information.

There are three ways to make easier summary, firstly, carefully read the whole text. Secondly, identify if there any sentences that may not understand, try to read it again and not being scared with the long essay. Thirdly, after reading the essay, questioning our self what was this text is all about. After that, we can start writing the summary. Other than that, the summary should be in a complete sentence, it cover all the main point and key ideas, and it is important to use own word. The key points are the arguments or information that used to support the main idea. Moreover, the key points are developed with supporting details

Then, for your information, in the Academic Skill class, we also learned summarizing lesson. We did some practices regarding on the summary essay. For example, we practice some nursery rhymes and make the short summary of the rhymes. In order to make it interesting, we all read the rhymes together and discussed the possible answer for each of the nursery rhymes.  I hope that, I am able to write good summary and applied all the steps for making a short and understandable.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Documenting Evidence

Hye readers! As usual on Thursday, we got ELC class. Today we learned about how to document evidence and make it into the proper reference or bibliography in the report. Usually social science students, use APA style for citing articles. This was based on 6th edition of the APA Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.
When we were cite a magazine, journal, or newspaper article that found through database, we must include some key components. According to Krishnakumari, K., Nor Azni Abdullah, and Ahmad Mazli Muhammad (2010), there are several reasons why it is important to document the sources because to let reader know that you have done your homework and you are building from the ideas and research of others. Besides that, to inform the reader where to locate the original document if he or she is interested in it and to avoid plagiarism by giving appropriate credit where it is due (Krishnakumari, K, et al.,2010).
There are some reference forms such as books, a book, periodicals or electronic sources. The basic element that include in text-citation are author, year of publication, book tittle, publication city and the publisher. For example, for books with one author: Clouse, B. F. (2010). A troubleshooting guide for writers:Strategies and process. Kuala Lumpur:   McGraw-Hill
Usually when I am doing my report, I use online in-text citation for make reference. The current website that I used is The picture of the website as shown below:

There were difference between bibliography and reference list. A bibliography is a list of all the material that we consulted whereas reference list includes only the sources of the material that we used in the actual writing of the assignment. Besides that, both the bibliography and reference list appear at the end of the research paper. As a conclusion, it is important to do the in text-citation because from that we can show the writer work and to appreciate them in that way. That's all. Thank you for your reading :)

Monday, October 20, 2014

Pharaphrase Without Plagiarising

Hye everyone! How are you? I am going to share on what I had learn in the ELC last Thursday. This entry is about how to write a paraphrase correctly without plagiarize it. What is the meaning of paraphrase?According to Plotnick J (n.d.), paraphrase is to restate someone else ideas in our own words at roughly the same level of detail. In my understanding, paraphrase is we change the words or that sentences into something new but must be the same meaning from the author's idea.
Look at the picture above. What can you conclude regarding from the picture above? Okay, what can I conclude that, as a student we can't just simply copy all the internet sources to complete our assignments. This is because, as we learn before plagiarism is an act which steal's other people work without their consent. Thus, it is important to learn how to paraphrase any articles that we read in the internet because the content or the ideas is belong to the author.
There are three methods of paraphrasing such as grammar help method, retelling method and chunking method. Grammar help method is the simplest way to paraphrase by changing grammar and vocabulary to form a new sentence. It is important to maintain the original sentence. The second method is retelling method is another way to paraphrase. From my reading, the retelling method is we try to explain the meaning of the text by our own words and for the last method is known as chunking method which is often used when there is a longer paragraph. Chunk the original text into manageable pieces and explaining the meaning of each chunk using your own words.
Therefore,  paraphrasing  citing is important as we mentioning the authors and giving credit to them. Besides that, paraphrase allows you to decide which part of the source is most important to use and indirectly avoid plagiarism among the students. That's all and see yaa for the next entry!

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Assalamuaikum, (kalau tak jawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang) heeee :) :)

Okay, ahlan wasahlan, hello, hye, annyeong-haseyo, everybodyyyyy! Hehe :)

Now I'm still in the mood of mid-term break. So how's your holiday? Is it fun? I bet all of you really happy on your holiday, right?? I am going to write the entry even though there is no class for today. Actually, I don't even know what the topic that I want to share about. By this mid-term break, my family and I spent time together by doing some fun activities with them. Furthermore, I love to eat my mom's cooking and my father often bring us to restaurant or mamak whenever he feel hungry. When it comes to delicious dish, it is trulyyy happiness for me, Yayyyy!! BUT, in fact i am getting fact. tsk tsk tsk :(

I think that's all for this entry. Sorry, I don't have any ideas to story about, just random post for today! Oh yes, for next week post, I am going to write about APA style format. Thank you for reading!

Good Night !

Thursday, October 2, 2014

WWW resources for the Assignment

Morning everyone! This is the quick update in the class regarding on the topic Sourcing Material. Today, I learned about how to find source material for our assignment? Basically, student used to find academic sources by searching the internet. Nowadays, internet sources can be found easily through the smartphone anytime or anywhere when we want to. But the question is, is it the sources have the credibility and can be useful as our reference in our assignment? Basically, there are three important factors that must be look before we start on our academic writing which are validity, reliability and for the last one is credibility. So all of these factors might help you to guide on writing assignment. For example, when I am doing my assignment, I will looking for information from different sources and make sure that the sources have its own copyright. 

The other factor is the URL address such as .edu (education) which is an academic website that really helps the student to access a lot of information. Besides that, the content of  sources must be suitable for the audience and do not contain any biased or prejudice statements. There are several less reliable sources such as blogs, discussion forums, social network (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) and Yahoo Answer. For the reliable sources, we can find the journal which is provided to student and it is very easy to download it. Especially for UITM's student they can find the journal from database online that required them to log in to the system. After that, they are easy to access the journal  based on their particular topic. Therefore, it is depend on the student to find good sources for their academic writing.

Before I close up this entry,  I just wanna say, it's a MID-TERM break yoo!!! And of course,  Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to all my friends especially my coursemate EDU2603A/3B. Happy holiday guyssssssss and take care yourself :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Stealing Ideas?

Hello, my friends! Well, I'm back writing the entry because today is Thursday, right? Today lesson is all about plagiarism. So, for the first chapter of our lesson today is “Avoiding Plagiarism”. Have you ever heard of Stealing Ideas? How many of you had done plagiarize in your life as a student? Okay, raise up your hand! Hehe. I'm not going to blame all of you, because I'm also one of it. Haaa, so let's us together try to avoid plagiarism, okay? What is  plagiarism is all about?
In my understanding, plagiarism is kind of action that steal other people’s ideas without their consent. I think many of us really familiar with this plagiarism. Why plagiarism become trending among students especially in tertiary level? This is because since in primary school we are already adapting with plagiarize style.
The consequences that may happen when plagiarism cannot be controlled among students in higher education level, all the graduates are not in good quality and maybe had difficulty in finding their jobs. Furthermore, by doing this plagiarism, the reputation of an institution will decline.   Thus, there must be an action regarding on this issue such as gives warning or expulsion from the universities. Okay, that's all!

Good night  :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Intro.

Hello, my friends! So, this is my first time to write post in this blog. Actually, I don't have any ideas on this blogging, but I will try my best to keep my post as simple as I can. Blogging is not my hobby, but I have my own favorite bloggers and keep following updates from their blog entries. I am one of a silent reader and I found that there are good slots or motivations from blogger's writing. Some of the bloggers, only shared their personal or work routines that they are doing for everyday but some of them sharing their experiences or opinions that maybe useful for other peoples as guidance. However, it is depends on that person to share anything that they want to.
Okay, for the first post I am going to make short introduction about myself. My name is Nurul Lina Shayeeda and was born at Selangor on 19 November 1992. I live in Negeri Sembilan. I have 5 siblings and I am the second daughter of my family. I am now studying in Chemistry Education at UiTM Seksyen 17, Shah Alam and a second year student, which is in Semester 3. As I am the sister in my family, I want to achieve a great success for my family. 
For this semester, I took this subject, ELC550  which is requires each student create their own blog for a reflective  thoughts on the lesson taught in class. I do agree that I lack of practice and motivation to improve my English skill. This is because, I am not dare to try and speak English in the class.  I hope that, this is the way for me to improve my weakness in English. Thank you to Dr. Krish for giving this opportunity to us and last but not least, thank you to my friend for your reading.